Hey! What's up?

Hey mate, seems you have stumbled upon my website, nice to meet you!

What is this website?

This, my friend, is basically my portfolio/bio/whatever they call it these days.
Basically, when somebody doesn't know me or i need a job or something, ill just use this. idk
Unless you are from TeamDiscovery (or the basement) you most definitely don't know who the hell i am, so you will probably be saying...

Who even are you?

I'm RedHatTails! (silly)
I like video games and stuff, i also like coding! While not being particularly good at it, i still find it very fun and interesting.
I'll take that at my own pace however as i'm still learning the basics!!!!

What are you doing now?

Currently working on Flipped! A 2D sidescrolling about the world being, y'know, flipped?
if you'd like to know more about what im currently dealin with, use this (not updated frequently) https://redhattedfox.neocities.org/status

Thanks for wasting your time reading this!

I need to give credit where it's due, all of this is powered by Neocities, if you didn't know that already.